- Let’s talk about the crazy events that unfolded since Judson was born. Obviously, I had a c-section to recover from, and that went well. I was finally feeling back to myself when I broke my foot. My foot heals, I get strep throat. I get better from strep throat. My bottom wisdom teeth start bothering me, I see an oral surgeon and have all four of them removed the next day. I’m feeling better from the wisdom teeth extraction and then a week post-op I get a horrible pain on the top right side of my mouth. My sinuses have intense pressure and everything hurts from my eye socket to my ear. Back to the doctor I go, he says perhaps there is an infection and sends me home with antibiotics. For the next few weeks I battle a horrible sinus infection/headache, and finally decide to go back. I get scheduled for a second surgery (that Wednesday). Turns out, there some oral-sinus communication. Basically an opening in my sinuses from my wisdom tooth extraction. Dare I say, I think I’m actually feeling better? Y’all it has been crazy. This is coming from someone who didn’t even see a doctor (with the exception of check-ups) for nearly three years. I’m hoping I’m on the mending side of this wisdom tooth junk, and I’m ready to start feeling 100% again. This has been my view for the last few days, I’m thankful for a wonderful husband and great family that helps take care of the kiddo’s so I can rest.
- On a lighter note, are you watching some great shows this fall? We’re hooked on a few. I’m pretty happy to see Olivia Pope back on my screen (and back in D.C.). We watched all of the past episodes of The Good Wife when Jud was first born (and we had plenty of late nights). The only problem with binge watching shows is that I end up getting spoiled to watching episode after episode. Waiting a whole week is no fun. Grey’s Anatomy has always been a favorite of mine, and dare I say, I like it just fine without Yang. I know, I know. I’m on the fence with How to Get Away With Murder we watched the first two episodes, but I’m not hooked just yet. What about you, what’s on your DVR this fall?
- Judson had a four-month-checkup (yes, we’re a month late). He had a clean bill of health, was not happy about the shots, weighed in at nearly 16 pounds and is 27 inches tall. Long and lean, like his sister.
- I’ve been blogging from my new office downstairs and I can’t wait to give you the tour! I have just a few more finishing touches. My mom and I have random craft nights. Basically, I call her with a fun new craft project and she always comes over to play. We’re both loving the new crafting area, it’s quiet and we can make a huge mess, and then put everything back in its place. Friday night, we made a quick trip to Hobby Lobby to replace the Cricut with a Silhouette (the Silhouette is SO much better), and taught ourselves how to make tassle garland.
- BK and Jud together are seriously the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. She sings him songs, and has conversations about princesses with him, and he doesn’t understand a word she says, but he laughs and talks to her the whole time. I was seriously worried about the age gap, but I think they’re going to be best buds, and I love watching the two of them together.
- Were you feeling the fall temperatures on Saturday? It was a fantastic 60 degrees here all day and we spent the day watching football on the back porch. Everyone is happier outside!
Keisha Dawson says
I’m so thankful that you are finally feeling better, and hopefully you will continue to feel that way! We also binge watched shows all summer, and the weeks are dragging for the next episode. Our DVR schedule is pretty full this fall with The Good Wife, The Voice, Castle, Modern Family, The Biggest Loser, Parenthood, Grey’s, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, and Shark Tank. It sounds like a ton, but we love cuddling up and watching our favorite shows once the boys are in bed.
I saw your adorable garland on Instagram over the weekend, and I told my husband that I need to learn how to make it. We could definitely use some of that cuteness in our house.
Jennifer says
Thanks! I forgot we started Parenthood but we’re only a few episodes in, I’ll have to pick that one back up.
Sara says
I love that your mom is close enough to be crafty with you!! I’ve been wanting to try the silloutette – I hope you will share more details about it! Cheers to fall!!
Jennifer says
It’s so nice! And I’ll definitely share some as I figure it out. So far we’ve just cut out words and paper crowns (of course!)
Jennifer Niemeyer says
Our favorite show is Homeland! It is so good! Watched both episodes from last night this morning. I just could not wait!!! LOVE my On-demand with Comcast. You look great – your Whole30 is paying off. Are you still doing it or are you just eating in moderation now?
Kate says
Jennifer, I love the name Judson! We just named our new little man Judson. He is baby boy #4, and we had a hard time deciding on a name. We actually didn’t decide until the second day in the hospital! I am so glad I had found your blog months ago, and when I suggested the name my husband loved it! Thank you for the inspiration!
Jennifer says
How fun, it was the only name (out of approximately a million) that we could both agree on (and my personal favorite)!! And congratulations!!