Happy Tuesday, friends! I have a few edits to do on the photos from BK's Fairy Party, so I hope to have that up for you tomorrow, but we're also in the middle of getting ready for Jud's dinosaur party, so I can't make any real promises. One day I'm going to shock you and get back to regular blogging like it used to be. Fingers crossed that this is the week. I did want to pop in and give you a little weekend recap. We had one of the best weekends and I actually snapped some pictures for a blog post! I definitely want to start doing some type of weekend/weekly recap on the blog again! Let's take it back to Thursday night because BK had an art show at her school and she brought this … [Read more...]
dear judson, today you are three!
dear judson, today you are three!!I will say this every year, but I can't believe you are three!! It seems like just yesterday you were a tiny baby with bright blue eyes who had resolved to never sleep through the night. Do you even know how much you were held and rocked that first year? Who am I kidding, you still snuggle with me to take a nap. I can promise you, you'll be finished taking naps before I'm ready to give up those sweet moments. I had that first part written for a while before I looked over at your daddy and said, how do you write a blog post about Jud? How in the world can I sum him up in words? Oh, Juddy, where do I even begin? Your second year … [Read more...]
easter recap, 2017
Instead of talking about how many posts I'm behind. I thought I would go ahead and get an Easter recap up on the blog while it's fresh on my mind, rather than adding it to my to-do list. We usually have some type of Easter egg hunt on Saturday, but this year we found ourselves with a rare (and needed) free Saturday. Allen re-decked our back porch, I enjoyed an early morning workout and hair appointment before running my last errands for Easter Sunday. My brother and I still make it a habit to get together before Easter and dye eggs. I can't tell you how much my mom loves this, so we ordered pizza and dyed eggs the night before. Jud was more into eating the eggs. He only wanted to … [Read more...]
dear braylen, today you are seven
sweet BK, Today you are seven, it's your birthday!! This day is all yours, but you should know that its my favorite day too. Its the day you made me a mother. Its the day when an amazing thing happened, in a busy and cold operating room, the whole world stopped for a moment. Those first sweet months feel so far away sometimes that I ache with a deep desire to go back just once, Id kiss your tiny head a million more times. On nights like tonight, when I'm reminiscing about that day, I can shut the world out and be right back in that moment. I'll never forget how I loved you instantly with an incredible fierceness. It's crazy how … [Read more...]
Our Disney Cruise: Day 3
Day 3 was our very favorite day of the cruise, we spent the day on Castaway Cay. Disney's private Bahamian island (I have SO many good tips for your day on Castaway Cay, so I'll split that up into a second post). We were up bright and early for breakfast and we were a few of the first ones off of the boat. You know this girl loves the beach, and I had big plans to spend the day in the sun and sand. How gorgeous is that view? We brought some chairs down to the edge of the water and spent the morning in this spot. The kids played in the sand with their beach toys until lunch time. We were right beside the water slides so of course, BK insisted we go to the slide with her. … [Read more...]
spring style watch: denim dresses + affordable sandals
(affiliate links appear below) Is anyone else as excited as I am for spring weather? Here in Alabama, the weather has had a hard time making up its mind when it comes to what season it is, but we had a glimpse of beautiful spring weather this week and now I'm dreaming of those warm, sunny days. I even pulled out a dress and sandals on Wednesday and it was hard to put booties back on when it was chilly Thursday morning. If you want to get a jump start on spring style, this dress is your ticket. How perfect is it? Super soft and comfortable and I think the length makes it the a great go-to dress because I can literally wear it anywhere. I like dressing it down with sandals, but I may … [Read more...]
Our Disney Cruise: Day 2
On day two, we were up and ready in time for a meet and greet with a few Frozen favorites. On the cruise, you can select a window of time to meet with characters, you just go in during your time and meet the characters, take a picture, have them sign your autograph book. You'll definitely appreciate this, especially after you've seen the lines at the parks. I know this photo quality isn't perfect, but Jud cutting his eyes at Ana cracks me up every time!! This was our day in the Bahamas. The Bahamas offered plenty of fun things to do, but we decided to explore a little in downtown Nassau and then enjoy some things on the ship. I'll definitely look … [Read more...]
Our Disney Cruise: Day 1
I think I'll just hit the highlights of our days on the cruise and then blog some specifics about planning and a few tips and tricks we learned while on our first cruise. While I feel like I could navigate Disney with my eyes closed, I feel like I've barely scratched the surface with the cruise, but I'm happy to share our small bits of wisdom. Let me preface this by saying, our kids had no idea we were going on a cruise. None. For some reason, Disney Junior has really been hyping the cruises lately, and BK had been begging to go on one, she knew all about the highlights and had memorized everything she had ever read or seen about the cruise, so we lied a tiny bit and said we'd just … [Read more...]