I'm jumped on the 21 Day Fix bandwagon and after just one week, I'm loving the program. I've worked out every day and I've eaten within the portion guidelines. I would love to lose the rest of the weight that I gained while pregnant with Judson, tone up for this summer, and get a handle on my portion and eating habits. So what is the 21 Day Fix? It's an at-home (because this girl has zero time to hit the gym) work out system with color-coded portion control containers. Each container is color coded and matched to food groups. The nutrition guide shows the options for foods in each container. It's truly fool-proof, and I love how simple and easy the program is to use. There are … [Read more...]
whole 30 results and FAQ’s
**I'm thrilled you're all here checking out my Whole30 results. You can join me for LiveWhole365 and download all of the tools in this post. You can also see all of my Whole 30 archives, including meal plans and recipes by clicking here.** I finished up Whole 30 last week and I'm currently on day 2 of 20 before vacation. I debated whether to even call it Whole 30 anymore, because I think this is going to pretty much be a lifestyle change for me. I'll probably follow the 85-15 rule and splurge at times, but I want my main method of eating to be aligned with Whole 30. Either way, I'm going to be strict and not cheat for the next 20 days before we go to the beach. I'm incredibly … [Read more...]
healthy lunch options
I had a few questions about eating healthy and school lunches. I have to say that for me, eating healthy is such a work in progress. I feel like I eat extremely for several days, but we always have something going on that breaks my healthy eating habits. A birthday party, or dinner with friends, I find my willpower is still extremely weak in those areas. Once a month, it wouldn't be a big deal, but we're talking at least once a week and sometimes multiple times during the weekend. I really need to work on staying home more and away from restaurants (because that's where I always make bad choices), planning ahead, and raising my willpower when I'm in these situations. School … [Read more...]