As a mother to young children, there's a phrase I hear often. It's one of those phrases that latches on and rattles around in my mind at the most inopportune times, like when I'm lying in bed at night and the house is quiet. I'm fairly certain the phrase isn't easily shaken because of the weight and truth it carries. You know the one, I'd be willing to bet you've heard it, too. Before you know it... When I was exhausted and miserable during my third trimester. Before you know it, she'll be here. When I was holding a sweet newborn, swaddled tightly in my arms. Before you know it, she'll be walking around. When I was introducing her to … [Read more...]
i don’t have a picture of that
Admittedly, I take a ton of pictures. There's an abundance of photos from day one, of both children. I don't think my photo taking obsession really began until I had children and I become this weird photo-crazed person. I sort of self-evaluated my photo taking obsession and eventually deemed it was probably because of this whole fleeting time concept. Maybe if I have photos every day I can somehow capture this time. Sadly, it just doesn't work that way. I'm left with a full hard drive, a full phone, and a million photo albums that sit in the closet. Lately, I've come to a scary conclusion, one that I have a hard time typing on this blog because it means I'm giving it some acknowledgement. … [Read more...]
dear braylen, believe in fairy tales
Dear sweet daughter of mine, I hear a good bit of chatter about prince charming and how we should shield little girls like you from this very notion. Sweet girl, don't get me wrong, I've never been a rebel. I prefer to follow the rules. I think when someone says something, you should listen. But, I'm here to tell you this is the case in which you should make an exception. There's a big misconception when it comes to this whole prince charming issue. You see, he isn't prince charming for all of the things he possesses. The castle, a white horse, those are simply things. And when you read this, I hope I've taught you well enough that you'll understand that things … [Read more...]