I wrote this last year for Courtney Defeo's blog, I'm going to work today after a much needed, unexpected break and I couldn't think of a better way to start this Monday. The guilt is certainly alive and well on this cold and cloudy Monday morning, but I also know I have a great group waiting on me once I get to work and that eases the sting a bit. A few weeks ago, I received an email from a fellow working mother who simply ask, how do you manage to not feel the guilt when you leave your little one at home? Immediately I felt like a bit of a fake, not feel the guilt? Is that even possible? It was one of those times when I felt like my 12-point Arial font just wouldn't be … [Read more...]
thoughts on two
I'll be honest with you, I feel like this pregnancy is creeping along. It's a bit annoying because I know once he arrives the time will pass with incredible speed. I'm not sure how or why it works that way, but it does, I've been there and I know how quickly everything changes. From newborn to infancy to toddlerhood. I feel like I merely blinked my eyes and life moved forward at an alarming rate. But, time passing slowly isn't a bad thing. Not at all. It's nice to feel like time is dragging, I know our days as a family of three are limited. We've made it our goal for the new year to stay home more, enjoy more dinners at home, play in the playroom more often, we've adopted a more … [Read more...]
Not Super Mom? You’re Super Wrong!
Quick! I'm going to say the phrase Super Mom and I want you to tell me the first thing that comes to your mind. If you're like me, it's quite picturesque. She's making the quintessential breakfast in a perfectly decorated kitchen, with perfectly clean baseboards and perfectly happy children. There are no crumbs on the floor, no dishes in the sink, everyone is smiling. Sort of like something out of a magazine shoot with glossy pages and smiles full of perfectly white teeth. The problem is, our perception is far removed from reality. Reality doesn't look like the covers of parenting magazines. In reality, we know that one of those children is going to drop a few crumbs on the … [Read more...]