My BK is a typical toddler when it comes to how easily she can become distracted. Getting out of the car, anywhere we go is painfully slow. It would be easier if she would let me reach over and pick her up from the car seat, but she's three, and that means her independence is bigger than she actually is. And sometimes I get so caught up in being in a hurry and rushing around, because I think I always have to be busy, that I get hasty with her. Yesterday, as I was getting her out of the car at Publix and she was trying to do a million other things I caught myself telling her to hurry. Hurry and do what? I'm not sure, see I've glroified the idea of being busy. I make a to-do list with a … [Read more...]
Build ‘Em Up: being confident in motherhood
It's time for another round of Build 'Em Up and today we're talking about being confident about the choices we make as parents. Link up with Kelly, Erin, Courtney and myself to share how you stand confident in the choices you make as a parent. Pinterest, Mexican Barbie, breastfeeding and bottle feeding, rear or front facing, just a few of the many topics I've seen argued over the past few months. It starts with (what should be) simple parenting choices and finds a way to spill over into every other facet of our lives. Is Matel making Barbie politically correct these days? Did some mean-spirited, over-achieving mother create a website designed to make other mothers feel inadequate? And … [Read more...]
Build ‘Em Up: Coming Unglued
For today's Build 'Em Up were talking about coming unglued and how we cope. If you haven't read Lysa Terkeurst's book, Unglued, I highly recommend it. I sat nodding my head through most of the book and I was truly inspired by Lysa's words. She is a talented writer with a big heart, she's giving away an Unglued prize package below. You don't want to miss this. Be sure to check out Erin, Kelly and Courtney's blog today and visit the others who have linked up, each Tuesday that we link-up I am encouraged and inspired by the posts. When I think about my unglued moments, I think of my life in the same way I pack my suitcase. I'm the one sitting on top of the suitcase, … [Read more...]