Today, Allen turns 30 and I've thought of at least 30 ways to give him a big shout out on the blog. Instead, I think I'm going to tell you a story about another birthday of his that I'll never forget. It was on Allen's birthday that he proposed to me. Right back in the same place we met. It was genius, really. I never for a moment thought he would be putting a ring on my finger, I thought it was just a great spot for a birthday picnic. I think back to the day, years ago and still remember it like it were yesterday. Actually, I probably remember it better than some things that happened yesterday. The details, the weather, the things he said, the crazy butterflies. We were young, … [Read more...]
happy anniversary, allen
Eight years ago, I stood with Allen in front of a church full of friends and family and we made huge promises to one another. Promises I was confident I would forever keep, forever honor, forever cherish. And while it seems as though I've blinked and we're here. I know there have been roughly 2,920 wake-up's between that day and this one. Years are so all encompassing, I feel like they don't give you a real picture. Years make the days seem too small. But the days are where it's at. And after each and every day, I am always met with deep affirmation that this is exactly where I'm supposed to be, that he will forever be the one for me. He's the one who believes in me no matter … [Read more...]
about me, Allen’s take
Last week (or maybe the week before) I saw a link-up on Becky's blog and I immediately knew I wanted to take part. Anytime I'm asked to give a bio or I write one of those random things post, I always share some version of the same things. I thought this would be a good way to let you know a little more, from a completely different perspective. I sent Allen a text the other day and he agreed, then I had to send him another text to remind him and one more for good measure. He promptly responded after the third text. Third. I couldn't help but laugh out loud at some of the things he wrote. Also, since it's my blog I think it's only fair to explain these, from my perspective. I basically … [Read more...]