I'll be honest with you, I feel like this pregnancy is creeping along. It's a bit annoying because I know once he arrives the time will pass with incredible speed. I'm not sure how or why it works that way, but it does, I've been there and I know how quickly everything changes. From newborn to infancy to toddlerhood. I feel like I merely blinked my eyes and life moved forward at an alarming rate. But, time passing slowly isn't a bad thing. Not at all. It's nice to feel like time is dragging, I know our days as a family of three are limited. We've made it our goal for the new year to stay home more, enjoy more dinners at home, play in the playroom more often, we've adopted a more … [Read more...]
Not Super Mom? You’re Super Wrong!
Quick! I'm going to say the phrase Super Mom and I want you to tell me the first thing that comes to your mind. If you're like me, it's quite picturesque. She's making the quintessential breakfast in a perfectly decorated kitchen, with perfectly clean baseboards and perfectly happy children. There are no crumbs on the floor, no dishes in the sink, everyone is smiling. Sort of like something out of a magazine shoot with glossy pages and smiles full of perfectly white teeth. The problem is, our perception is far removed from reality. Reality doesn't look like the covers of parenting magazines. In reality, we know that one of those children is going to drop a few crumbs on the … [Read more...]
don’t be so busy keeping up that you miss the growing up
Over the past three years, I've watched a tiny baby blossom into a three-year-old with a larger than life personality. Actually, we're quickly approaching four, I know because time tells me so, not because I feel like I should have an almost four-year-old in my home. Because I don't feel that way at all. And what pains my heart the most is when I think back to a certain part of our life, when I see a picture of her with sweet potatoes smeared from one ear to the other, I can hardly remember her at that stage. Or when I read back in her baby book about her first words, it's hard to remember a time when she wasn't having a full-on conversation with me. What I'm most afraid of is … [Read more...]