I only worked 1/2 of the day yesterday, we had a big appointment that included an ultrasound. BK asked and asked to go, I decided it was probably a good opportunity for her to see the baby, and get the whole twin talk out of her mind. I met up with Allen at the house and we headed to eat lunch. I just knew BK would request Chick-fil-a, but she made me proud when she requested "Mexican on the Summit," instead. That would be Chuy's for all you non-Birmingham friends. I love, love, love Chuy's. Their creamy jalapeño dip and queso and nachos, oh my! After lunch we headed straight to the appointment. Our first stop was the ultrasound. We were in awe of the teeny-tiny baby we saw … [Read more...]
day 8: sharing our everyday
I feel like our days are the same every day, I apologize if this series is a complete bore. I must say, I'm enjoying this whole blogging about our everyday thing. It's a fun way to share the little things and I know I'll be happy I have it when I look back on these posts one day. And tomorrow will definitely be a bit more interesting, we get to sneak a peek at the tiny new addition at my appointment. Braylen is most excited about the appointment, she really wants to go and wave to Baby Sue and Baby Jesus (yes, she's still convinced I'm having twins). Actually, she announced the other night that she hopes it's three babies so she can name the last one Gordon. I ask Allen where she … [Read more...]
day 7: sharing our everyday
Happy Monday, friends! The weekends are always over too quickly around here. I'm left wondering how that two days goes by quicker than any other two days of the week. I promise Monday and Tuesday won't go by that quickly. Trust me. I really meant to take more pictures today, but at the end of the day I only ended up with three. That's a tough habit to get into, really stopping to document my day. Hopefully, I'll be better at that by the end of this series. I did wake up to one of my favorite verses this morning. A great reminder of God's sweet promises. This verse was on my mind all day. I even wrote it on a Post-It and stuck it to my computer this morning. I'm unsure of the … [Read more...]