I can hardly believe I'm staying up to recap today's fun. I'm not sure that I'll blog any other days while we're at Disney. I am wore out! When they tell you there is a ton of walking to be done, believe them, who ever it is telling you. I really wanted to recap our days, for my memory. Everything is fresh on my mind right now and the room is quiet, everyone is sleeping. When, I get back I have tons of things to share with you, like how I put together BK's welcome bag, where her outfits came from, you know, all of the fun details. But, first I just want to recap our day at the park. We made it to Disney yesterday afternoon, checked into our room and had dinner at our resort. Everything … [Read more...]
disney bound
We've spent the past two days in Jacksonville Beach. I'm actually hanging out in the hotel room right now waiting on BK to wake up. We've had a nice, relaxing two days and today we'll head farther south to the most magical place on earth, Disney World. Oh, and I should probably tell you that BK doesn't quite know we're heading to Disney World today. Although, she did cry when we told her we were going home, so I promised her a surprise adventure before we go home. We'll visit the beach again later this summer, and her excitement and love for the beach affirmed that decision. She built sand castles, splashed in the waves, watched the "sea eagles," and did not want to … [Read more...]