We are having so much fun watching you grow and learn new things. I told your dad the other day, it’s impossible for me to look at you and not smile. You’re always beaming a big, beautiful smile anytime someone looks your way and talks to you (except if you’re hungry, then you want to eat right then).
This time around, times seems to be flying by, but we’re doing our best to soak up each and every fun stage with you. You still adore your big sister, your face lights up when you spot her or hear her voice. She’ll sit and play with you and tell you stories and I think it’s your favorite part of the day.
I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that you’re four months old already. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun, and you are so much fun!
- Eating- you eat every 3 hours during the day.
- You are on a very consistent schedule thanks to Moms on Call! You take two good naps during the day, and two shorter naps, and you sleep from 8:00-7:00. I had forgot how nice a full nights sleep was, but I am much more refreshed these days.
- You started sleeping in your crib, with the sound machine on.
- You love to be rocked and held, but you’ll go to sleep on your own in your crib.
- You’re consistently rolling over from your tummy (I think you love being able to get out of tummy time) and you’ve rolled from your tummy to your back a few times.
- You still love bath time.
- You love to be moving. You’re still a big fan of the mamaroo and your swing. You cry so hard when we put you in your car seat, until we pick you up and put you in the car. You’re content as long as there is movement.
- You love your kick and play, you can grab your toys and pull them to your mouth now. You want to chew or suck on everything, including your fists.
- Youre still exclusively nursing, and you’re reflux is getting better.
- You’ll take your paci if you’re really tired.
- You love to be talked to, you’re content to sit and coo and make noises at anyone who stops and says “hi” to you. It’s not hard to get you to smile or laugh.
- You’re pretty ticklish and you love to giggle. It’s the sweetest sound.
- You weigh a little over 15 pounds.
- You wear a size 2 diaper (but not for long) and 6month clothes.
Here’s a look back at the past 4 months!
And a comparison shot of BK and Jud at 4 months:
Kate Craig says
these pictures are so cute! love his smile