Back in April, we celebrated a couple of birthdays, first up, BK turned SIX! I’ll spare you all of the cliche remarks about time going by so quickly, but how in the world has it been six years since we welcomed this tiny little girl into our world?
Recently, BK became a little fixated on celebrating her birthday on her actual birthday. She thinks it’s pretty crazy that we have birthday parties on the weekend before or after your actual birthday. Her actual birthday fell on a Wednesday, so we had a little celebration at the restaurant after church.
She even picked out her own cake at Publix for the celebration!
Now, you know, I absolutely love to plan a party. I know some people find it stressful or they don’t enjoy all of the work that goes into a party at home, but it is absolutely one of my favorite things to do! I tried my very hardest to get her to have a party at our house, I pulled out all the stops, but the only thing she wanted was a party at Chuck’E’Cheese’s.
And because it’s her birthday party, I reserved a party at our local Chuck’E’Cheese’s.
I’m pretty certain it was everything she had dreamed it would be.
She invited her friends and classmates from school, and everyone had the best time. It was chaotic and crowded and we spent way too much money to win tickets for plastic toys that would have cost a fraction of what we actually paid. There was plenty of pizza and cake and fun had by all.
And the real reason she wanted to party with the mouse? The ticket blaster. Last year, we went to a party and the birthday boy climbed into the ticket blaster to catch as many tickets as possible in the allotted time, and every since then it has been all she would talk about. She made it clear that this was the main reason she wanted to have her party here, and I don’t think it disappointed, she still talks about this exact moment.
I’m crossing my fingers that we can pull off a great birthday party at home next year, especially now that we have this whole ticket blaster business out of our system. Even though, I will say that clean up was a breeze and we still spent considerably less than we would have on a party at home.
So there you have it, BK turned SIX, we celebrated, AND it’s documented on the blog! One step closer to catching up on here!
Leslie says
We were in the same exact boat this year – I love planning a party, but all Emmie wanted was a Chuck E Cheese party (and with a 6 week old, I was ok with that!). We ended up having a blast and it was so nice not to have to set up or clean up anything.