You’ve probably noticed the lack of posts for the 31 days series. I fell short and that’s okay. What I do know is that there is a ton of joy around me, both simple and significant. No matter if the house is messy, even when I have a rough day, I have so much to be thankful. This was such a sweet reminder.
I dropped the ball on the 31 Days series and I’m okay with that. I’m excited that I get to blog about my new fall wreath tomorrow and not worry about whether or not it seems crazy that I found myself some simple joy by making a moss covered wreath. Truthfully? I’m happy that it’s cute and on my door and finished but if I actually used cuss words I would have thrown out a few because of the mess that moss made on my freshly mopped floors. And that’s the truth.
In the midst of the 31 Days series the blog received a huge face lift from Marina at Penny Lane Designs. I’ve talked about making the big WordPress switch for months now and I was finally ready to take the plunge. The timing was just right to work with Marina and everything fell into place to go ahead and make the switch a few months back. After many brainstorming sessions Marina came through with this great blog design and I was thrilled to see that she could take my ramblings and turn them into this beautiful design. Honestly, I didn’t know what I wanted. I do know that I said, clean and simple a million times and I think she nailed it.
I’ve written about finding my niche in the blogging community before and the fact that I don’t fit perfectly inside any blogging box. I just like to write about our life and the things we do and love. I want this blog to be a good mixture of faith, family, friends, crafting, recipes and sweet toddler stories. I want it to be a true snapshot of our life but it’s important to remember that it’s just that, a snapshot. The house isn’t always as clean as the home tour leads you to believe, my toddler isn’t always dressed as cute as she is when we’re headed out to the pumpkin patch and I don’t always have it all together. I make plans and sometimes they fail, I cook dinner and sometimes it tastes horrible, I have an entire room full of boxes that I haven’t unpacked yet. I am a little more than the funny stories and Date Night Jar you see and I hope that goes without saying.
I wanted the fact that this blog is a little bit of all things Green to be visible when people visit so Marina included several of my favorite topics across the top of the blog, beneath the header. I haven’t always used tags, but I’m starting now and I’ll be going back and adding them as time allows. There is also a second navigation bar at the top of the blog where you can find the new sponsor page. I’m using Passion Fruit Ads now and you can use the code newads to get 40% throughout the week.
Tomorrow I’ll be back to blogging about whatever it is that my wandering mind is pondering.
And know this, I’m finding simple joys all around, even if I’m not writing about them each day.
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